Monday, April 18, 2011

On the18.4.11 my class was working on discussing. You may have read one of my previous posts which talks about my research and everything I found out about rights, and ocean mining. We then got together in groups of 3-4 in class and discussed our answers and answered some more questions with then adding an additional last paragraph telling what we thought is right and our last words. In my group there was Alfie,Maryam and Luka. Everyone had a job assigned, Luka was the time-keeper, Alfie was the "Discussion Leader", Maryam the presenter and I was the recorder. If I look back over it right now, I think our group was very talkative and worked very well together. These are the notes we took :

Why are minerals important?
We use them in everyday life
We use them in thing that are needed
They are used in technology and everything we use
Minerals give us food and electronics
Weaponry and give us more opportunities in Science
They give us transport
Used in Jewelry

What minerals are found in the Ocean?
Sand and Gravel

Who should have the right to get the minerals?
Any country that owns the Ocean-Alfie
If a country is landlocked and it has wealth and a country right next to the Ocean is developing, they should make some business- Luka
Every country should get a bit of the Ocean because the Earth has to be fair. If they are a developing country, they shouldn’t pay with money, but exchange goods-Maryam
Everyone should get an equal amount
What are problems from mining the Ocean?
Mining pollutes the Ocean which kills animals, and interrupts the food chain.
It takes a lot of money from us for the technology
We use up some non-renewable resources

Who Owns the Ocean minerals?
Everyone but nobody
The Ocean is of no one
-the world is trying to be a bit fair
What are the rights?
The rights are that if the land has enough money and can afford everything for example the extracting and exporting of the minerals, it can work in  the place
But also, some governments say that no one has the Ocean
Everyone talked so it wasn't just one person leading, but everyone talking. There was only one part where our group discussed more than other times. The question was this one: who should have the right to have the  oceans minerals?  We had a little conversation about this one because some of the people in our group where more kind of business people so they care for business and thought that should come first, but on the other hand, the others where more the fairness people who want the world to be fair. But at the end, we all combined our ideas and we agreed. 
Our final statement was this:
 The Oceans are for everyone and the main minerals from the Oceans are salt. Any country that is neighbored by the sea should get a profit from it. But also, every country has to have some sort of resource and not everyone needs to have water even thought its essential. Trading is the main point that will give these countries their water and they can benefit from, other natural resources and trade those. In our opinion, there should be mining happening because it is one of the jobs that keeps humans alive and like there is the: if you kill one tree you seed 2 more, and if u mine a place, you have to plant other trees and once you finish mining you have to bri9ng the place to the original look. Bring the animals in and make sure everything is the same as before.
Over these discussions and presentations from people showing their knowledge and understanding,  I learned and saw how what others thought kind of matched up and how if you have a disagreement you can solve it in an easy way. I also think that because our group worked very well together, it might also depend on our calmness and if we are willing to work with the group on how we concentrate. In my opinion, this group was good working and we were all willing to give ideas out and communicate which made the whole project easier. If we should ever do something like this again, I would be very happy to actually, because this also tests your listening skills and which ever other skill you have been assigned to.

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