Thursday, May 24, 2012

Earthquake Worksheet

1. Observe the three circles you have drawn. Where is the earthquake's epicenter?
The earthwquake's epicenter is in Kentucky because if you drawn circles around the hits, they all meet in Kentucky.
2. Which city on the map is closest to the earthquake epicenter? How far in kilometers is this city from the epicenter?
The closest city is Chicago which is located only 600km away
3. In which of the three cities listed in the data table would seismographs detect the eathquake first and last?
The seismographs would first detect the earthquake in Chicago due to the close distance, second Houston and finally they would detect it in Denver.
4. About how far from San Francisco is the epicenter you found? What would be the difference in arrival times of the P waves and S waves for a recording station in San Francisco?
The epicenter is about 3,200km away from Chicago meaning 4.40 minutes for the waves to arrive. P waves, in other words Primary waves, can travel through anything no matter if solid or liquid, however S waves, or Secondary waves can't. In San Francisco, the P waves would arrive much earlier than the S waves since they can just travel forward while S waves can only go through solids and not liquids.
5. What happenes in arrival times between P waves and S waves as the distance from the earthquake increases?
As the distance from the earthquake increases, the force gets lower because it is going further from its epicenter. P waves however will still have an advantage of distance, still they won't travel as fast because they don't have as much energy. Then finally when the S waves will meet the P waves surface waves will be formed.
6. Reviwe the procedure you follwed in this lab and then answer the following question. When you are trying to locate an epicenter, why is it necessary to know the distance from the epicenter for at least three recording stations?
Finding the epicenter without 3 points is very close to hard. If a stastions only has 1 hit of the earthquake, they will not know where exactly the epicenter was, it coudl eb anywhere in the circle. Having found recordings from 3 recording stations, one may see the path the earthquake is going and its vibrations, and then join all of the points together to find the exact epicenter. In other words, having found the distance from the epicenter for at least 3 recording stations, makes it more efficient, easier and less time consuming to find the epicenter of the Earthquake.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! You clearly understand where the Earthquakes location was and how scientists can find the epicenter.
