By Stephen Ornes
April 7, 2011
Everywhere you look, you see people texting or calling, ever thought of how much your brain might be affected? Of course not, who would bother to think of it, I must admit not even I would think of it, but new studies have showed that the brain is affected by the radiations from the phone. But what ever you do, try not to keep your phone close to your head for more than about 30 minutes, 50 seconds, make it already very busy. This might be because we are sensitive to electromagnetic radiations, and to solve this, 47 participants joined a little fun way of seeing if the brain reacts. What these participants did, was place one phone(off) by their left ear and one on by their right ear, however, the one by their right ear was on mute just to make sure the scientists weren't testing hearing. After 50 minutes of this, PET scan were taken. PET scans are ways of seeing inside the body, the opposite of "x-rays". For this method, a chemical gets imported into the human body, and pretty much goes to the part of the body we wish to examine and it will reflect, color, and acts just like light, allowing us to see different pattern and identify what is going on. The results of these test, proved that the left side with the phone off stayed the same as before, but the side with the phone talking even thought it was muted, caused more glucose appearing on the brain. Glucose is the sugar that provides fuel to the brain cells. In other words, the right side was using as much glucose as our brain uses when we talk.
But then of course different phones create different vibrations and the way a person talks can also affect it, so after all the best thing is to keep phone pretty far from the head, this might include headphones or earphones, but no matter how cool cell phones might look, they can be dangerous.
When I first read this article I wasn't as surprised that phones aren't good for us because I heard of it before, but when I read about the glucose part, I thought that was pretty interesting, because poor our brains, they must be very tired.
April 7, 2011
But then of course different phones create different vibrations and the way a person talks can also affect it, so after all the best thing is to keep phone pretty far from the head, this might include headphones or earphones, but no matter how cool cell phones might look, they can be dangerous.
nice work! The post is very interesting, i love cell phones even if they are bad for us:P