November 9, 2011
Teenagers go through many stages in this time period. And following them, are their brains.Everyone's childhood is different and includes different habits. Neuroscientists from London have been researching IQ's of teenagers and compared it. IQ, in other words is the measurement of thinking and knowledge. In 2004, 33 teens from age 12-16 where gathered for testing and while they were taking the IQ test, shot of their brain were conducted. After 3 years, in 2007 the same test was retaken also with the shots. Some teenagers lost 18 points while other gained 22 or more. When the neuroscientists looked at the pictures, they noticed there were more gray matters in the motor cortex(a part of the brain). With these test being done, we were able to conclude that IQ's don't stay the same because of the changes in our lifes. Specifically we can't say why this happens, but we estimate socializing and sports influence the IQ the most.
I chose this topic because I thought it would be interesting for others to know that we don't always stay the same smart but we can get better, or become more stupid. It was also interesting for me to read because it also tells me about my brain and the brains of my friends. I personally think that socializing and sports affect our understand a lot because of our time and different interest we have. The way we learn new information can also affect us. And most importantly, different people have different interests and different talents in subjects. If I would ever have to do a test like that, I hope I would get a better IQ then when I was small, but as I said different people are at different stages. So hopefully if you ever have to take an IQ test, you will do good!
s November 9, 2011
Hey ALex! I realy loved how you showed the 2 diagrams to help explain! I didnt know that we had such big part of our brain was attention, creativity and focus! I realy learned a lot!